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 Gallows sign+announce tour

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Male Number of posts : 1859
Age : 32
Registration date : 2006-11-22

Gallows sign+announce tour Empty
PostSubject: Gallows sign+announce tour   Gallows sign+announce tour Icon_minitimeTue Mar 27, 2007 3:18 pm

Following interest from every record label you care to mention, Gallows can finally announce that they have inked a deal for their own Casanova Records imprint through Warner Bros Records worldwide and have signed to legendary punk label Epitaph Records for North America. To celebrate, the band are touring the UK before heading off on the Warped Tour.

11- Sheffield Leadmill
12 - Leeds Cockpit
13 - Belfast Auntie Annies
14 - Dublin Voodoo Lounge
16 - Aberdeen Tunnels
17 - Newcastle Academy
18 - Bristol Bar Academy
19 - Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms
21 - London King’s College
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Gallows sign+announce tour
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