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 Jam spit at The Police

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Male Number of posts : 1859
Age : 32
Registration date : 2006-11-22

Jam spit at The Police Empty
PostSubject: Jam spit at The Police   Jam spit at The Police Icon_minitimeSat Mar 31, 2007 11:58 am

Former Jam hero Paul Weller reportedly spat at a photo of Sting whilst back stage at a charity bash with Oasis man Noel Gallagher earlier this week. He apparently: " marched straight up to [the photo], coughed-up as much phlegm as he could muster and planted it plum in the middle of The Police frontman's he walked away, Weller then snarled: 'Fucking twat". This is the second time Weller has made it clear he's not a fan of the tantric loving Police frontman after having earlier referred to him as a "Fucking horrible man". (
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