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 Bouncing Souls&The Draft set UK

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Male Number of posts : 1859
Age : 32
Registration date : 2006-11-22

Bouncing Souls&The Draft set UK Empty
PostSubject: Bouncing Souls&The Draft set UK   Bouncing Souls&The Draft set UK Icon_minitimeSun Apr 01, 2007 3:08 pm

The Bouncing Souls and The Draft will start their UK tour on February 6th. The 2 bands will do 2 weeks worth of dates in the UK and Ireland together with openers, Tat.

Radio 1's Punk Show, in cooperation with Epitaph and Atticus, has a great competition lined up for the tour. A winner and a friend will get Backstage passes to a date of their choice to meet the bands and watch the show. Additionally, the lucky winner will receive the whole Bouncing Souls Epitaph catalogue, The Draft debut record and shirts, and £500 worth of Atticus and Macbeth merch.

Listen to the Punk Show and check their website for details:
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Bouncing Souls&The Draft set UK
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