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 Live Earth top Feature with FOB+AFI

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Live Earth top Feature with FOB+AFI Empty
PostSubject: Live Earth top Feature with FOB+AFI   Live Earth top Feature with FOB+AFI Icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2007 4:48 am

Live Earth concert organizers have revealed the lineups for both the U.S. and London legs of what will be a worldwide series of Live Aid-like concerts, scheduled for July 7.

The U.S. portion of Live Earth, announced early Tuesday (April 10), will take over New Jersey's Giants Stadium, and feature an all-star lineup led by Kanye West, Fall Out Boy, AFI, Akon, Kelly Clarkson, Ludacris, Rihanna, and the reunited Smashing Pumpkins. The Police, Bon Jovi, Dave Matthews Band, Roger Waters, Alicia Keys, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw, John Mayer, KT Tunstall, and Melissa Etheridge are among the other artists confirmed to perform at the U.S. Live Earth event.

Tickets for the New Jersey show will go on sale Monday at 10 a.m. through Ticketmaster. Prices were not immediately available. The Live Earth concerts will commence in Sydney, and continue across all seven continents, ending with the U.S. gig (MTV).
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